Be yourself. Everyone else is taken. - Oscar Wilde

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Toughen Up?

I hate to see my daughter hurt; especially when I can do nothing about it.  Yet the somewhat comforting thing about physical hurt is that it can be managed.  Pick her up, brush her off, kiss it better, and maybe apply a band-aid (or two or three).  After all, nothing left but a tiny scar.

What about the stuff that leaves a bigger scar?  The stuff you can't take back?  This is where my story begins.  There is a little girl at daycare, let's call her Mean Girl.  One day Luci comes home from school and says, "Mean Girl says I'm ugly."  SCREECH!  Wha?  Huh?  Not sure I heard right, I asked, "What'd you say?"  "Mean Girl says I'm ugly."  She tells me the story (insert two year old speak) and while shaking my head and staring at Chad, I reply, "First of all, you are beautiful and second, that is not a nice word.  We don't use that word.  If she does that again, you tell her that that is not nice and we don't talk like that."

I mention it at daycare, provider obviously does not believe me (I am have Mean Girl for three years, doesn't sound like her).  When I pick her up, she has changed her tune and explains the "circumstances" of why she would use that word.  Don't care, not acceptable.

Fast forward to a week later.  Luci:  "Mean Girl told me that my hair was not curly and it is.  She says only beautiful princesses have curly hair and hers is.  But mine's not."  At this point, my advice was repeated through gritted teeth. Not nice, bla, bla, bla.  Don't use that word and so on.  I am really starting to get annoyed now.  Who is this Hitler 4 year old and what does she have against my kid:?  My amazingly beautiful kid?

Now we are onto this week.  Luci brings home a very pretty picture of flowers that she made.  She is obviously proud.  "Mean girl says my picture is ugly.  I don't think my picture is ugly.  I told her that word is not nice and we don't use that word."  Cheering my girl on, I tell her how proud I am of her.  Inwardly, I am seething.

I don't care about Mean Girl (well I do really).  The bigger issue is what Mean Girl represents.  My daughter is going to get knocked down, both physically and mentally for the rest of her life.  People are going to intentionally and unintentionally make her feel small and worthless.  But at two?  I don't have enough band aids to fix all that will ail her, hurt her, or scar her over the years.  Life is tough, I get that.  But two year old skin is about as soft as it gets.  She is not going to remember Mean Girl and all the stupid things she says.  But one day she is going to feel less than perfect.  I just want that day to be as close to her 50th birthday as possible.    

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Cheeseburger in Paradise

Day 2 went beautifully.  I was focused, taking care of myself, eating well, and thinking good thoughts.  I bought new underwear, wore some lipstick, and we took a nice, long walk to the library.  My first day of school was delightful and I was left with a strong sense of being able to move toward.  Don't get me wrong.  I am not starting fresh from some hurt. There was no traumatic life event that I have to retreat from. I am a pretty good person and friend and a great teacher and mom.  Yet I knew I wasn't being the best person that I could be.  I was (am) ready to be that best person.

Today started well and then it happened.  I had a bad day.  It was a combination of outside factors and myself.  My expectation of the day did not meet reality.  It was not all bad.  I got to see people who are important to me, I learned a little, and I got to celebrate another school year.  By 4:00, I was grumpy, tired, and not so inspired.  So you know what I did?

I ate  I would have told you prior to this that I was not an emotional eater.  Apparently I am.  I should have had enough introspection to know this about myself, but it's kinda tricky.  I don't do it a lot and many times it aligns with "girl issues" so I don't even notice it.  Sometimes, I just feel like I need to eat.  Today, I needed it.  As I sat with my family (my beautiful family), ingesting my greasy meal, I realized I am doing this for all the wrong reasons.  There is nothing wrong with wanting to eat a good cheeseburger, but not like this.  As we sat waiting for the food, my spirits lifted.  My heart was happy.  Not because I was about to eat that cheeseburger (although I still really really loved that meal).  It was happy because of my company.  Because I got to talk to Chad.  Because Jude smiled at me.  Because Luci made me laugh.  There are a lot of things that make my heart happy.  The cheeseburger will just give me clogged arteries.  

Wanna know what I am going to do the next time instead?  I'll walk.  I'll take Luci and Jude to the park.  I'll sit on my porch swing and read.  I'll reflect on the day and figure out what sucked and make changes.  Allowing yourself to give in denotes passivity.  There is not a passive bone in my body.  I allow myself to be a victim of myself and my choices.  I am no one's victim.  The next time I make a choice about "naughty" food, it will be one I make whole-heartedly with good conscience.  Look out nachos, I'm coming for you next.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

My Own Skin

I weigh too much, hate the way I look, and am not physically fit.  This sucks.  It sucks hard.  I lost the weight after having Luci so easily.  I was never a little thing, but I got back into my pants so quickly.  I loved hearing everyone say how quickly I lost the weight.  This was not the same thing with Jude.  I gained very little weight, yet seemed to retain all, or most of it.  I also retained the baggage that comes with putting on pounds.

As a side note, I deleted that first sentence 8 times.  I'd type it, look at it, shake my head, and hit the backspace button.  Hoping, praying that as the letters disappeared so would the pounds.  Alas, they did not.  And I am tired.  Not tired because I am a mom of two under three years old.  Not tired because I don't work in the summer and all of the daytime childcare and cleaning falls on me.  Not tired because of the stress I feel as the impending school year draws near.  I am tired because of my weight and the responsibility it brings.

Its not like I am obese and the weight is physically making me tired.  I can get around, I can run, walk, jump, and do all of the things that I need to do.  Its mentally tiring.  I'm over it.  So over it.  Wanna know the funny thing?  The thing that made me decide that it was time to do something about it?  It was not my clothes being too tight, envying the cute bikinis on the beach (I didn't wear a bikini ever), or Luci asking me if there still was a baby in my belly (I know, she's two).

It does have to do with Luci, but it is quite different. The other day, I spent 20 minutes trying to find the right outfit.  You know what Luci was doing?  She was following me around, telling me how much she liked my clothes, and looking up to me.  Right then and there, I decided.  I WILL NOT pass my body issues onto my daughter.  She is beautiful and smart and funny and so many things.  The world will give her issues.  Her mama does not need to.

So here is Day 1.  I am promising myself a day 2 and 3 and so one.  This is not just a story of a weight loss journey.  This is about me loving myself so that my daughter will see me love myself.  She needs a model of how to love yourself through everything, even the crap.  Chad and I are doing an outstanding job modeling a healthy, productive relationship for her.  The other men and women in her life are modeling how to be fabulous, productive people.  Yet I am failing.  Well not yet, but if I continue along this path, I will.

So here is my promise.  I have promised myself I am going to lose weight a BILLION times, but this is different.  I VOW to love myself.  I vow to get moving, have fun, and enjoy physical activity with others.  If I lose weight, sweet.  I do have something to lose and it is this negative attitude I have of myself.  I am beautiful and smart and funny.  And I need to stop looking for that perfect outfit and just be happy in my own skin.    

Monday, July 16, 2012

That's just life...

Adding this post scares me a little.  Mommies don't confess their weaknesses.  Well, I am about to.  I have learned a few things in my two and a half years of parenting.  I am pretty good at many of the things that come with being a parent.  I have great kids.  Outstanding kids.  I can take credit for this, yes, but they are great because of me and in spite of me.  I can be lazy.  Don't judge me.  This is partly why my children are as awesome as they are...
1.  I don't wake up well in the middle of the night.  I never had that mama instinct of "holy crap, they are rustling so I must get up."  I am NOT judging that instinct; rather I just ain't got it.  I love my babies.  I love them more than anything else I have encountered in this world.  But in the middle of the night when I have been sleeping for several minutes (newborn stage) or several hours (later stages), I wake up and pause.  I want to tell you that in my head I think, "Oh darling, if I wait a little while I will be teaching you how to self soothe."  In actuality, my thoughts aren't quite as lovely and I do not have self soothing thoughts in place.  I want them to go back to sleep for me.  Yup...just said it.  Guess what the end result has been?  Two children who have slept on their own and in their own beds since six weeks.  Yes, I am a miracle worker.  A lazy, not agreeable in the middle of the night, waiting for the real cries to start, hitting Chad and telling him that it is his turn miracle worker.  Don't you want me for your night nanny?
2.  My two and a half year old plays independently better than many of the 5 and 6 year olds I know.  Wanna know my secret?  Back to this lazy thing.  I love to read.  I like to watch crappy shows.  I even like to spend time cleaning (I know that's not really lazy at all).  So...I sit on my butt and do the things I need to do for me.  This is not the call CPS, the babies are sitting and crying, without food or attention sort of thing  This is the I am taking the half an hour between 1:00 and 1:30 for me.  Luci, you are on your own with your Legos, puzzles, babies, whatever.  Jude, have a go at the bouncy seat.  This mama is busy for me.  Most times of the day you can find me doing whatever my children need me to do.  Luci has never uttered the phrase, "Mama play with me" without either immediate response or an explanation for why it can't happen right then.  But because I need me time, my children are great at time with themselves.

Upon rereading, I see my mistake.  This was supposed to be a funny, let me tell you about it in a way that would help you see me.  I was kinda feeling bad about this lazy thing, but then I thought that other mommies could relate so I thought I'd put it out there.  Yet, this isn't about being lazy.  Its about taking a minute for yourself.  Damn...that's not funny.  That's just life...