Be yourself. Everyone else is taken. - Oscar Wilde

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me!

Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to Heather. Happy birthday to you.

This has now been sung, uttered, screamed, said, whispered, etc. to me exactly 31 times. Oh yeah, I said it... 31 times.

This being said, many things have happened to me in those 31 years.

I learned to walk, talk, feed myself, and be cute in all the ways that babies do (and bigger people as well).

I learned to read, tie my shoes, write my name, and share with my school friends (because my teacher told me I had to).

I learned how to ride my bike, throw a softball, play fair with my friends, and who the cute boys were (what self respecting 10 year old doesn't know that?).

I learned I had to do my chores, do good in school, call my grama if I was going to be late, and come in when it was dark (did not want the ire of said grama).

Later, I learned how to write a really good love note, what a french kiss was, and how to pass a note to my very best girlfriend without the teacher knowing (and now I am that teacher).

Even later, I learned death of a loved one sucks the life out of you as well, while love boosts you back up, and that friends can disappoint you on the same day they make you smile.

Now I know what a good kiss is, that I still have to play fair with my friends, and love notes still work on your partner.

Now I know that I am a sensitive, insecure girl who needs reassurance and have surrounded myself by people who can give me that (they don't seem to mind too much).

Now I know love is hard, no matter who you are trying to love.

Mostly I know I am right where I want to be.

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