Be yourself. Everyone else is taken. - Oscar Wilde

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Where did naptimes go?

I only get time for naps in the summer. The irony of this is that I am not usually that tired in the summer. The time when I really need it is during the school year and there is no time for that. It makes me less crabby, more relaxed, and a much nicer person. I need a time to renew myself just like Luci does everyday.

Why don't we take more naps as adults. Luci has been sleeping through the night since about 6 weeks. At that time, her naps were still sporadic. As she grew older, she just fell into a pretty good schedule where she naps about 10 and then again about 3. I schedule those naps into our days. We don't go anywhere during those times because I know she needs it. Yes, it takes alot of work and sometimes I have to miss out on fun. But I know that as she gets older, the naps will disapear and we can have lots of fun together all day long. Those naps are as much for her as they are for me.

I've been making a habit to relax during one of Lucis' naps. During the 10:00 rest time, I get busy cleaning. During the afternoon nap, I rest. I don't always fall asleep, but I relax. I don't think of all of the things I should be doing; rather I think about what I want to do. Do I want to read a book, use my hour of television for the day, close my eyes and rest, or sit on the porch swing and stare at the cars and animals that go by? That time is mine.

I hope I can find some time in the fall to relax. I don't relax easily. I don't stop readily. So this is big for me. I am going to try to schedule those down times during the school day, when I get home, and on the weekends. Yet I worry that when the pressure is on, I will fold and just start rushing again. So right now, I relish these quiet times.

1 comment:

  1. Such a good idea, Heather! It's so important to keep some time for yourself when you become a mom, even though it can be tough.
