Be yourself. Everyone else is taken. - Oscar Wilde

Monday, June 21, 2010

Shopping the Outer Aisles

I shopped the outer aisles at Meijer today. Alright, that's not completely true, but its close. I went into the middle to get couscous and sparkling water so don't hate. I chose only items that needed further prep, not just things I can throw in a pot. Chad and I don't purchase a lot of those anyway, but today I made a conscious effort not to go there. And it was pretty easy.

I also didn't turn on the tv today until 7 pm. I thought this was going to be the hardest on my new to do list, but it wasn't. I made an effort not to turn on the tv when I walked into a room where one was. I am not a big television watcher, but I am a big listener. I like the background noise. Yet I learned something today. You hear so much more without it. I heard the birds. I heard my daughter making new sounds. I heard people saying hello to their families when they got home from work. I got a chance to hear myself. I thought today, alot. I liked it.

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